Intercultural Competency: The Positive Impact of Educational Policies and Practices

Breakout Session 3Meet the Speaker: C. Grant There is a body of research that suggests the traditional educational system has affordedsuccess for some students, but it has not boded well for all students. This session is specificallydesigned to engage school leaders and policymakers who are looking for bold ways to redesignthe learning environment through intercultural …


License to Coach: Implementing School-wide Coaching Cycles for Administrators and Instructional Coaches

Breakout Session 1Meet the Speaker: C. Grant Looking for a way to improve student achievement in your school? Are your teachers frustratedwith their current observation feedback? Are you looking to develop a more positive coachingculture in your building? Traditionally, efforts within public schools to improve student outcomeshave not materialized with the desired results. Oftentimes, these …

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Welcome to 2024 SCABSE Conference - The South Carolina Alliance of Black School Educators

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