Engaging the African-American Male Through Literature

Breakout Session 3Meet the Speaker: J. Wallace, B. Williams Throughout this session, participants will learn the importance of exposing African Americanmales to literature that engages the student and creates an expressive outlet to the currentclimate through literature and discussion. Through engaging literature, teachers can sparkinterest in reading among African American males which leads to increased …


The New 3Rs: Recruitment, Retention & Resiliency

Breakout Session 2Meet the Speaker: T. Jackson The Voorhees University Center of Excellence for Educator Preparation and Innovation (EPI)will share new approaches to forging meaningful, mutually beneficial partnerships betweenHigher Education Institutions and K-12 school systems to address teacher shortages, educatorpreparation, and equity disparities. Attendees will have an opportunity to examine theirrecruitment and retention strategies, explore …


LEA Representative Guidelines for Decision-Making

Breakout Session 1Meet the Speaker: L. Enter, S. Hines The Local Educational Agency (LEA) representative is an important and required team memberof each student’s IEP Team. It is often difficult to guide a team through a decision-makingprocess. Participants will leave this session with an understanding of how serving as the“process leader” can assist the team …

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Welcome to 2024 SCABSE Conference - The South Carolina Alliance of Black School Educators

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