Showing: 1 - 10 of 11 RESULTS

LEA Representative Guidelines for Decision-Making

Breakout Session 1Meet the Speaker: L. Enter, S. Hines The Local Educational Agency (LEA) representative is an important and required team memberof each student’s IEP Team. It is often difficult to guide a team through a decision-makingprocess. Participants will leave this session with an understanding of how serving as the“process leader” can assist the team …


A LIFE Champion Playbook

Breakout Session 1Meet the Speaker: W. Simpkins How do we measure success in sports? Success in sports is measured by winningchampionships. The goal of this presentation is to assist schools with helping young menbecome “A Life Champion”. Please fill out the feedback form here:


Building Academic Resilience

Breakout Session 1Meet the Speaker: P. Joseph Students face a variety of challenges that impact their academic performance. Educators play acrucial role in helping students withstand adversity and bounce back from academic challenges.This session will review three areas (perspective, productivity, and praise) all of which supportstudents (their parents/guardians) with developing the skills they need to …


Equitable Coaching: Navigating Resistance

Breakout Session 1Meet the Speaker: A. Davenport When we talk about equity in instructional coaching, we are addressing an urgent, real-worldneed that’s deeply ingrained in the educational systems we navigate every day. We can expectresistance, and plenty of it. In this presentation, we’re going to delve deep into the realstrategies—actionable, effective methods—that can help us …


Representation Matters

Breakout Session 1Meet the Speaker: D. Williams In this session, we will discuss different five mathematics representations and model lessonsthat will naturally lead to certain representations. This session will also provide advice on how tomeet the individual needs of Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III students ensuring instructional equity forall students while meeting their …


License to Coach: Implementing School-wide Coaching Cycles for Administrators and Instructional Coaches

Breakout Session 1Meet the Speaker: C. Grant Looking for a way to improve student achievement in your school? Are your teachers frustratedwith their current observation feedback? Are you looking to develop a more positive coachingculture in your building? Traditionally, efforts within public schools to improve student outcomeshave not materialized with the desired results. Oftentimes, these …

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Welcome to 2024 SCABSE Conference - The South Carolina Alliance of Black School Educators

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