Phonics Research Into Classroom Action

Breakout Session 3Meet the Speaker: M. Ferrara Session outcomes include: (1) provide clarity on the foundational research that anchors thenecessity for quality phonics instruction in all primary classrooms: (2) discuss a 4-peartinstructional framework (teach-practice-apply-approve); and interact with instructionalcomponents and decodable texts to ensure all leaders understand how an intentional scope andsequence, explicit instruction and practice …


Engaging the African-American Male Through Literature

Breakout Session 3Meet the Speaker: J. Wallace, B. Williams Throughout this session, participants will learn the importance of exposing African Americanmales to literature that engages the student and creates an expressive outlet to the currentclimate through literature and discussion. Through engaging literature, teachers can sparkinterest in reading among African American males which leads to increased …


6 Lessons in 60 Minutes Integrating Cyber Security

Breakout Session 3Meet the Speaker: K. Little In this workshop, participants will learn ways to increase students’ awareness and cultivate aninterest in the field of Cyber Security. The session consists of Cyber Security lessons integratedacross various subjects. Teachers will be introduced to software that aids them in teachingCyber Security and stimulating the interest of their …


Implementing with Fidelity: Transformative SEL Is a Mindset Not a Moment

Breakout Session 3Meet the Speaker: S. Paschel How do we create a process whereby students and teachers build strong, lasting, and respectfulrelationships founded on the appreciation of similarities and differences, learn to criticallyexamine the root causes of inequity, and develop collaborative solutions to community andsocial problems? Join us as we share takeaways from Austin ISD’s …


Self-Care for Educators

Breakout Session 3Meet the Speaker: L. Vinson This presentation is hands-on and provides techniques and resources for helping educatorsrealize the importance of self-care to address social and emotional learning. Please fill out the feedback form here: https://form.jotform.com/230120740422034


Maximizing Efficiency in Education: AI’s Time-Saving Tools

Breakout Session 3Meet the Speaker: S. Spear This session unveils how AI will transform teaching efficiency, spotlighting tools that simplifyprocesses and boost learning. Immerse yourself in practical AI integration strategies that savetime and enrich education. Perfect for educators and EdTech fans – join us to glimpse into AI’srevolutionary role in the classroom! Please fill out …


The Hard RESET

Breakout Session 3 Meet the Speaker: K. Suber. R. Smalls Learn how to transform your schools with academic rigor, programs that support student needs,retention of staff members, and how to become more intentional in providing SEL. You will beprovided with proven strategies that changed one district’s report card in several months after aHard RESET of …


Helping ALL Students Succeed: How to Raise Rigor and Student Engagement to Close the Opportunity Gap

Breakout Session 2Meet the Speaker: P. Briggs Helping all students succeed is not about changing what you are doing as an educator, butchanging how you are doing it—the delivery, the scaffolding, and the relationship building. Thestrategies shared in this session can be implemented immediately to increase the level ofsuccess, engagement, and rigor for all students. …


Women in Leadership

Breakout Session 3Meet the Speaker: P. Gamble, T. Nelson, C. Avery Educational leadership has become a challenging field that requires innovation and adaptation.A panel of experienced and successful female educational leaders will share how they havecarried forward the mission of educating all children in the face of turbulence, disruption in theeducational field, and many times …


Intercultural Competency: The Positive Impact of Educational Policies and Practices

Breakout Session 3Meet the Speaker: C. Grant There is a body of research that suggests the traditional educational system has affordedsuccess for some students, but it has not boded well for all students. This session is specificallydesigned to engage school leaders and policymakers who are looking for bold ways to redesignthe learning environment through intercultural …

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Welcome to 2024 SCABSE Conference - The South Carolina Alliance of Black School Educators

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